Milindo + Commodities


Im Ermlisgrund 20-24
76337 Waldbronn

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View in a new manganese ore mine in Asia

Manganese Ore

Due to its high affinity to sulfur and oxygen and its material improving properties, manganese is extremely important for the metalworking industry. Approx. 90 to 95% of the produced manganese and/or ferromanganese are used in iron and steel production and in the production of special materials. The largest known reserves of manganese are found in the Kalahari in the North of South Africa. In addition to this, there are also larger reserves in Australia, China, Gabon, Brazil, Ukraine, India, Thailand and Indonesia. 


Ready refurbished manganese ore packed in Big Bags

ORGAKOM supplies manganese ore from Thailand and Indonesia with a manganese share (Mn) of 44 to 52 %. In particular in Indonesia, many small manganese reserves are still entirely undeveloped. This ore offers a high quality and is mined in small quantities in pits and then crushed to a material size of 20 to 100 mm. After processing (crushing) the dark brown to black/metallic ore stone is packed into big bags of 1 ton each and can then be transported in containers loaded with 20 big bags, respectively. Larger quantities, in particular from Indonesia, can also be shipped as bulk goods.


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